on 14 of OCTOBER 2011... somethin had happen to me... not at me actually... it was my parent...but it effect me alot... fuhhhhh...how am i going to start dis..
at 5.30 am at dawn, i receive a call from my sis.. telling dat my mum n dad involve in an accident. the moment i heard dat news, my heart feel miserable...quickly i ask my sis, how was my mum n my dad? did they ok? then my sis told me that both of them ok...juz my mum got minor injury. my sis ask me to calm down n she told me...everythin is ok. then i told my sis dat i want to hang up phone coz i want to call mum..
then, i call my mum straight away........ the moment i heard my mum voice, i couldn't talk, i burst up my tear. i can't hold it... the more i try to hold my tear, the more tears come out from my eyes. word that come out from my mouth is.. are u alright??? i luv u... i'm afraid... my mum also burst out of tear.she can't talk too..my mum try to cover her tears by telling dat she call me back...
then after a few minute, she call me back.. she told me that both of them ok... juz a minor injury at her leg and her chest. at that moment, i still can't even talk. i juz can tell dat i luv u... then after dat my mum hang up phone.
later, my older sis called me wit tears.. telling me dat she'll goin back to sibu. she ask me to be patient. everything will be alright. juz dont stop pray for them.
i dun want to ask my parent how was the accident coz i want them to cool down first,. the next day then i ask them how did the accident took place... then, my mum told me that the car suddenly out of control and it spinning. then felt down into ravine. right infront of the ravine, there's a deep river n at the side of the car was mangrove wood. thanks god that they landed into a safe ground.
Now,my biggest fear have passed and i really thanks ALLAH for still giving me rezki n chance to be wit my parent. i noe, at this critical time, i can't afford to lost them. i don't knoe whether i can still continue my life without them. i really need them. i still depending on them. i LOVE them so muchhhh!!! so much dat i can't lost them.