yesterday, me, my sis and my bro goin to wisma sanyan (parkson sibu). while we're on our way to our destination, we felt weird... weird of people playing the fireworks here and there all around sibu city. the town was full of fog. i tried to find the reason y they play dat things. my sis give me silly answer. "maybe it is for thaipusam celebration". hahaa...but i dun reply to my sis answer as i dun sure weather thaipusam is for hindu or budha religion.
then, to make the story short...
when we r on our way back, we pass by the sibu's pagoda. then, we saw the celebration of Cap Goh Mei. eventually, our question has been answered.
here are some pic that i managed to take.
i have some story about this Cap Goh Mei. it happen a few years back when i was 14 or 15. i dun quite remember. here's the story
it was night. my mum were reciting al-quran at that time. i'm walking downstairs when i realized that there's someone at our main door. i tot that it was one of my family member. then, i opened the door. then, suddenly,. one old chinese women stood infront of the door. i became panic as the old women try to come in. then my mum, sis and my brothers came to see wat happen. the old women keep talking and talking. but,we could not understand wat the old women tried to say as she speaking hokkien. then my father came. thankfully that my father know how to speak hokkien. my father talk to her. then, my father told us that she want to stay at our house. we afraid that she has bad intention. i mean how come we can allow stranger to stay with us. we could be murdered or robbed or somethin bad. am i right? continue to the story, my dad did not allow that women to stay. then dat old women ask for a cup of coffee and a biscuit. then, my mum give it to her. then, for all of sudden, that old women did not take the biscuit. instead of taking it, she ask my father to give it to me. i'm so afraid at that time. my arm n leg are shaking. then, after the old women finish her coffee. she leave us. after a few second, my mum ask my father to see where the old women go. then, my father go outside and tried to see where the old women goin. the scary part was.. the old women seem to disappear. we father even use the motorcycle to find that women, but he did not find that old women. how could an old women can move very quickly. so not logic. so, from the story.. u noe la wat that old women could be. I dun want to say it.