
future engineer...

Friday, January 6, 2012

Final exam..

It have been very long time seen i last wrote. N here i am.. Stealing my precious time to write somethin in my blog to ensure that it is up to date. Hehe..

Actually, i have gone thru 1 paper. N it dissapointed me. I have tried all i can to make sure that i can do the best for my paper, i've burn midnight oil, i went to the faculty everyday to study.. But, when it come to test, i can't do it. I feel suckk!! I need somethin that can motivate me coz i'm feelin down right now.. Any idea?? Hurm, i guess i need to figure it by my self.
How bout... Singing? Read on wisdom quote? Talk to my friend and ask then to motivate me? Talk to my mum?

Arghhhhhh... I don't noe... Wat is happening to me??!!! I'm
Slowly losing my self. Day by day, i felt that i'm becoming stupid and stupid. I find that, i can't understand what i am study.i spent hours and hours to study, but the output that i get is significantly litle.. 😔

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